Law AllOther Interview Questions
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What views are you having on private client fees?

1 5724

What is your view on the "sufficient benefit" test in legally aided work?


What kind of activities are you interested in outside of work?

2 6958

Would your social life shows effect on your work commitment?

2 4047

Are you a member of any clubs or charities?


what are the major problems or opportunities facing the legal industry?

1 6937

which kind of response would we get from your referees about your professional as well as social manner?


Why would you want to do legal aid work?


What do you think on the franchising of legal aid firms?


what would be your major contribution if you get this job?

3 8891

Why you want to be a solicitor?

ELC Technologies,

1 5225

Would you supply any references?

1 3396

you did any employment tribunals?


How much you will prepare on the files for trial do you do?


How much notice you need to give to your present employer if you were offered a position?


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Un-Answered Questions { Law AllOther }

I have form16 of the year 2007-08 & 2008-09(INCOME LESS THAN 4.5 LAKH).Do not have form16 of 2009-10.shall I get non-creamy layer certificate


I faced a case : One person "P" registered for a plot amounted to almost Rs 400000 to a real state company, XYZ. But XYZ is unable to provide the plot even after 2 years. So they are returning back the money along with the interest. Interst amount is almost Rs 66000. XYZ company is deducting the TDS from the interest. Are this company is doing right by deducting the TDS from the interest income? The profile of person Case 1 : P is a student and don't have any income. Case 2 : P is earning more than 10000 pm if interest income is included.


I am Shyam, MBA(HR) and L.L.B. and applied for civil judiciary services. want to know the syllabus for the entrance exam and books to be refered.


What is the minimum distance to be maintained from a residence area to oil depot ? Please mention the act name according which it is mentioned ?


Define a miracle.


how one can prove statutory auditors liability according tp indian law?


What is the point of a judge when laws are made by the jury?


What is the Difference between Excise & Cenvat


what is MOI????


who is the first law officer of government of india ?


Compare these bottles of Tesco and Timotei shampoo.


I paid some amount wronly into tds 94C a/c instead of 94J, how transfer of paymet of 94c to 94J.


Can any one tell me if wife apply u visa what about her husband H1 visa


Lots of legislation includes phrases like "beyond reasonable doubt"- what does this actually mean?


are unique disclosures made in the financial statement notes ? if so why?