Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
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How we calculate the recovery of steam as per coal in a boiler if we know the calorific value of coal?


How to Shut-down the system through QTP Script?


Write a regular expression for "Capgemini Services Pvt.Ltd"

Cap Gemini,


What is ball bearing concept & its design.


hey guys.... My name is Bandana Thakur.Im a cse(8th sem) student.i want to make my career in php language.i want to work with google,wipro,tcs,infosys.peoples tell me that the salary package of php developer is very less n these companies do not work in php language.please tell me what i do now? should i go with the php language or make my career in another language? pls reply me in my e-mail id


I am 2012 pass out b tech student(cse). i have recently started software manual testing class. Is this field is benefitial for me in future?


what should be the finish work of a carpenter per day


I have written some code of my project in java technology & some code in .net technology. Is it possible to integrate these into single project(module) to run complete project..?? if possible then how??

1 2311

What is RIA course certification.? which is the best institute for ria courses in bangalore ?


1 2830

convert 140 N.m/cm^2 to N.m/mm^2


Why do you want to work here



What Embedded System ? Which is the best embedded training institute in Chennai?

1 3304

PLC Training in chennai ? Best PLC Training center in chennai?

1 3322

Sir, I was recently placed at ITC Infotect. My ctc is 2.46lpa. How much will I get in hand every month? Plssss answer. Thanx in advance.

ITC Infotech,


Write a program to print Pattern 1) If user enters 3 1 2*3 4*5*6 4*5*6 2*3 1 2) If user enters 4 1 2*3 4*5*6 7*8*9*10 7*8*9*10 4*5*6 2*3 1



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What is frog testing? What is cone model?


successful command to make linux system as router in redhat-+


how to increase the water ring vacuum pump efficiency?


i need to alone print a number no text by using if statement .say some idea


draw the diagram of double earthing


Explain what are db_options used for?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of Automicity, Consistency,Isolation & Durability?


Discuss about WAP architecture in detail.


Write a program in ‘C’ that will accept 10 numbers from the user, sort them & then perform the binary search. The searching number will be arithmetic mean of the 10 numbers accepted from the user. Write the sort() & binSearch() functions for performing the sorting & binary search. Also create display function() for displaying the list. Sort() function will use selection sort and only receive one argument (Single char type)as type of sorting i.e. ascending (a) or descending (d). Display the list after sorting using a display() function. binSearch() function will accept one argument as a number to be search & return null or the index position of that number in the array. display() function is non argument non return type function. It will simply display the list row-wise. Program should use these functions by displaying the appropriate message for found or not found.


what is the class of generator A b & c


searching a B-tree indexed tree compared to B+ tree is slow..True or false


how the parting surface is selected in injection mould


What is the allowable load carrying capacity of a circular column section of 400 mm diameter reinforced with 6x25 mm diameter bars adequately tied with spirals? Consider concrete of grade M25 and steel of grade Fe 415.


why c is called middle level langauge?


what is the definition(body) of a default constructor in c++?