Government Interview Questions
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Meghavarna, the king of Ceylon was a contemporary of: (a) Ashoka (b) Kanishka (c) Samudragupta (d) Harshvardhana

1 8012

?Sakari? is the title usually ascribed to: (a) Kanishka (b) Gautamiputra Satakarni (c) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (d) Devapala

2 9741

?The Council of the Nine Gems? (Nava Ratna), is associated with the name of: (a) Harshvardhana (b) Devapala (c) Chandragupta II (d) Ballala Sena


12 25739

The Chinese traveler Fa-Hien came to India during the reign of: (a) Kanishka (b) Chandragupta Maurya (c) Chandragupta Vikramaditya (d) Samudragupta

College School Exams Tests, Maruti Suzuki,

11 39405

Tamralipti was a great sea port in: (a) Gujarat (b) Ceylon (c) Bengal (d) Kalinga

3 14372

Khajuraho, which is famous for the structural temples, was the capital of: (a) Chandellas (b) Chalukyas (c) Gaherwallas (d) Nagas

1 3855

The poet philosopher Aswaghosa was a courtier of: (a) Ashoka (b) Kanishka (c) Chandragupta II (d) Harshvardhana

1 4201

The history of architecture and sculpture in south India begins with the (a) Pallavas (b) Cholas (c) Chalukyas (d) Pandyas

2 5581

The best known example of the Hoyasala style of temple is found at: (a) Hallebid (b) Karle (c) Ajanta (d) None of the above

1 3023

Yuang chwang came to India during the reign of: (a) Dharmapala (b) Harshvardhana (c) Chandragupta II (d) Samudragupta


1 3858

Every five years Harshvardhana held a religious fair at: (a) Thaneswar (b) Kannauj (c) Prayaga (d) Banaras

1 2967

The head of the University of nalanda was the great Bengali scholar (a) Shreejnan Atisha (b) Nagarjuna (c) Basubandhu (d) Sheelabhadra

Group D, RRC Railway Recruitment Cell, RRCER,

3 13764

The Hunas attacked India during the period of the: (a) Guptas (b) Mauryas (c) Palas (d) Senas

1 3295

The Huna leader Mihirgula was defeated by: (a) Chandragupta (b) Budhagupta (c) Yashodharman (d) Rajyavardhana

1 5494

Pushyabhuti dynasty ruled over: (a) Thaneswar (b) Ujjain (c) Sakal (d) Pataliputra

2 6562

Un-Answered Questions { Government }

hi what is the starting & closing dates of sbh clerk interview for OBC CATEGORY candidates? at hyderabad andhrapradesh. WHAT IS THE LAST DATE OF CLOSING INTERVIEWS ALL OVER INDIA.


hi,what computer questions ther r asking for MCA students as iam having more than 5 yrs gap?


1.Dandgling Reference refer to? 2.Encryption used in IEEE 802.11? 3.Version of Advanced Enryption Standard(AES) and cipher Key? 4.No.of vertex of odd degree is ? 5.Slowest Sorting Algorathim? 6.Complexity to delete a node from Linked LIST? 7.EBCDIC can code upto how many charcter? 8.estimation equation of cocomo model for organic project? 9.need for the extended ER Model? 10.Infrastructure component for the DATA Center? 11.which type of memory device has Min. cost of storing one bit information ? 12.color combination for printer? 13.father of computer? 14.thrashing affect? 15.preemptive version of FCFS? 16.c is a ..............Language? 17.object based language? 18.whicj memory can not be interface with procesor? 19.input for linker? 20.preprocesor starts functioning when....?


kindly reply sir wheather it is possible to get my posting in wb whereas my rank is 184 in india and 31 in wb in tax assistant in cbdt through cgle 2010.When may I expect offer letter?


Hi .. I got the written exam of PNB SWO.. my question is .. I am an pursuing candidate..should I tell it in the interview or not? Some say that due to high qualification they will reject me..


What is the take home salary that a newly recruited SI in CPO gets?


please send me last 3 years questions paper of SBI BANK for the exam of probationary officer exam send me reply on my email ID


Hi Raghavan here i wrote bank of baroda exam and got call letter for interview on 16/01/10. Hw many rounds will be conducted any experienced person can guide me since i am in MMG/S II . mail me on


0,7,2,14,6,24,12,37,20 next number in the series


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If anyone allocated state in cgl 2011, is there any reason for not nominating when all the documents are correct? is there any marks criteria for issuing joining letter after state allocation?


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difference between private and public bank ?


Pls send me general knowledge question for State bank of india Clerks Interview.