Government Interview Questions
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The municipal administration of Pataliputra in the days of Chandragupta was entrusted to a committee of ??? citizens. (a) ten (b) twenty (c) thirty (d) forty

1 4091

Military administration of Chandragupta was vested in ??? committees (a) four (b) six (c) eight (d) ten

1 3302

The successor of Chandragupta to the throne of magadha was: (a) Buddhagupta (b) Bimbisara (c) Bindusara (d) Udayee

1 4366

On the death of his father Ashoka ascended the throne of Magadha in : (a) 323 BC (b) 326 BC (c) 269 BC (d) 120 AD

3 6807

Ashoka was initiated into Buddhism by: (a) Dipankara (b) Shreenjan Atisha (c) Sheelabhadra (d) Upagupta

1 5015

For the propagation of the Buddhistic faith, Ashoka appointed new officers of the name of : (a) Rajukas (b) Yutas (c) Amtyas (d) Dharmamahamatras

1 4834

Ashoka sent his son and daughter for preaching of Buddhism to: (a) Sumatra (b) Cambodia (c) Javadvipa (d) Ceylon

3 10826

At Pataliputra during the reign of Ashoka was held the ??? Buddhistic Council or Synod. (a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

1 3246

The capital of Kalinga was: (a) Taxila (b) Suvarnagiri (c) Ujjain (d) Toshali

4 21517

The real founder of the Kushana Empire in India was: (a) Menander (b) Vasudeva (c) Kujula Kadphises (d) Kanishka

3 5141

The capital of Kanishka was: (a) Taxila (b) Multa (c) Gandhara (d) Purushapura

5 10334

The statue of Kanishka with a broken head has been found at: (a) Mathura (b) Indraprastha (c) Brindaban (d) Hardwar

1 8701

The fourth Buddhistic Synod was held at Purushapura, during the reign of: (a) Ashoka (b) Kanishka (c) Samudragupta (d) Harshvardhana

1 2726

The first important ruler of the Gupta Empire in India was: (a) Chandragupta I (b) Skandagupta (c) Samudragupta (d) Budhagupta

2 4351

The name ?Napoleon of India? is usually given to: (a) Chandragupta II (b) Samudragupta (c) Kumaragupta (d) Devapala


37 36988

Un-Answered Questions { Government }

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What is the venue of 2020 Summer Olympics?


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Explain about the evolution of American Democracy?


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