Fashion Modelling Interview Questions
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How can I turn my fashion design hobby into a career?

1 6316

Do Fashion Designers have to draw well in order to succeed?

1 4206

I'm new to sewing, and I need to know what are some good pieces to start with?


Who is credited with popularizing the mini skirt?

1 5790

Who invented the C20th bikini?

2 8629

What non surgical products does western society use for women to enlarge the lips and lighten wrinkles?

1 5634

At which fashion show was Naomi Campbell modelling when she slipped on her platform soles?

2 6817

What 1980s TV soap opera with a high fashion element had a global audience of over 250 million?

1 5170

Who was the 1980s and 1990s fashion icon known as the Clothes Horse Ambassadress of Fashion?

1 8905

What is a toile?

1 3667

Which shoe mostly worn by people such as ambulance and police workers became a 1970s fashion shoe?

1 6385

What was grunge?

1 3658

What is a Novak?

1 3414

What was a casaque?

1 3531

What was a paletot?


Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling }

What are the responsibilities of someone who has their own clothing line?


Explain Mass Dissemination in fashion adoption?


Mention the contributions made by two leading International Fashion Designers


Which magazines do you read and what is your favorite magazine?


Write notes on Fashion services and resources.


Explain clothing and importance of clothing.


What was a chemisette?


Regency era sleeves often covered the hand. What were they called?


What was a parure and who made them famous and desirable?


When was neo gothic influence in dress fashions at its peak?


hi i want to start modelling just for a fun. how i can enter catlogue modelling in himachal pradesh, chandighar


Explain Felting


Write notes on Different materials for different clothes?


Write short note on fashion forecasting


Which British writers popularised Romantic images in women which were soon translated into romantic fashion in Britain?