Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the difference between bug and defect???

Change Control, Tomax,

17 20687

In How many ways can u represent Not equal?Give Syntax of all ways..

3 7176

=== represents what?

Ephron Systems, NetTrackers,

2 5202

!== represents what?

2 5516

To find out the current year is leap year or not which date() function we've to use.Give the syntax also

5 9920

How many Types of COmments are there in PHP and what are they?

4 12733

whats the use of following Good Coding Practices?

2 4152

How to Define a Constant in PHP? Is $ symbol necessary?


6 15919

what will do ceil() and floor() in PHP?

5 12050

How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?

10 11978

Suppose a variable may passed to other page using any of get,post,session,cookie methods and u want to retrive that variable value . what is the syntax?

6 7335

suppose if u want to pass session value using cookies onlu.. what changes i've to made in php.ini file?

1 4638

what is the importence of session.save_path in Php.ini file and wht changes u've to made before using sesssions in ur php program first time?

4 6350

How can we convert XML data into DataBase table IN .Net?

Indus Media, Wipro,

3 9043

I installed TestDirector 7.6 on my PC which has windows media center edition. It was working fine in the begining. But now when I try to start it, I get the message, "cannot connect to databas. The data base version is older than 7.5, please update database". I am using MS Access as the database. Any help would be appreciated.

Ordain Solutions,


Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Can a switch be used to connect two LANs with different network IDs ?


What are benefits of spring framework?


what are the parameter we cannot use in procedure? How many instream we can write in single jcl? Can we call instream to catalog and catalog to instream?


When is the LOCK prefix used often?


What is a request for quotation (rfq)? : fi- accounts payable


What is the global security?


What is asax file in c#?


How do you achieve singleton?


Which of the end-user items leverage olap services?


Can corrupted files be repaired?


how to compare two columns in excel?


Explain what are some new features introduced in php7?


What is binding in c#?


What are the row-based and column based approach?


What is the best laptop for data science?