How many ways are there for passing variables between pages
in PHP and what are they ?

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / vinod kumar wedhera

get(in url) ,Post (through form),Session,Cookies there are
four ways to pass the variable

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / guest

As far as my knowledge there are four ways .They are Pass
the variable in URL,through a session,via a COOKIE or with
an HTML form.

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / laku

create the session store the values in it and call in the
next page
create the cookie store the values in it and call in the
next page
and finally hidden values

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / prasanna


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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / guest

you can use querystring also

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / shivu

Hidden fields
URL using ? symbol

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / ram kaushik

4.using header() function
5.using window.location function
6.using hidden field]
8.query string
9.using ajax function

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / prince antony

1. GET (url)
2. POST (html form)
3. SESSION (For each browser)
4. COOKIES (For Browser and in system cache)
5. FILES (File Names and size)
6. HTTP (For Jquery method Ajax string JSON)

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / amit

i think there are more than 4 methods as i know
1.through url
2.through form
3.through coockies
5.hidden variables
6.through header

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How many ways are there for passing variables between pages in PHP and what are they ?..

Answer / lekha r nair

3.Query string
5.Hidden Field

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

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