Software Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Last step of kernel upgrade in unix

2 4106

What is OPS$ mechanism?

NTT Data,

3 10367

Database related issues?

3 3676

If Background job active long time ?

3 4702

Difference between shutdown abort and shutdown immediate?

2 6832

Difference between DB Verify and DB Check?

1 2598

If user admin password forgot? What you do?

2 4380

Type of client copies?

JK Technosoft,

3 5321

How will you do a local client copy? Just tell us up to the point where you monitor the progress. What if SAP* user is not available at all in your system then how u will do client copy?

2 3198

What is the difference between R/3 and ECC?

4 8213

What is the purpose of table USR02?

3 10971

How can you tell if a transport is in the process of being imported?

3 3765

Will a client copy transfer the background job schedules and all client dependent data?

3 5118

How do you change five dialog work processes into batch. Where can you do this?

2 5305

How to monitor user accessed transactions (T-code) on a given day?

2 4571

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Give me example of chain of responsibility design pattern?


How does it relate with planning time fence?


Can you control logging with spring boot how? : Spring Boot


What can you tell us about E-Commerce?


How do you upload a file using selenium webdriver?


How to unlock the background?


Does windows 10 have microsoft word?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of node manager?


How do generics work?


What is @manytoone?


Who invented outlook?


What is an seo audit?


What do you mean by a framework in auto ation?


i have doubt suppose iam purly working in QTP, when i will work on sql and performence testing? pls any one clarify doubt?


How do we create tasks? What is the difference between task and change request?