Software Interview Questions
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what r the best jobsites for manual and automation testing? except


what r the best jobsites for manual and automation testing? except


A prime number is a number which is divisible only by itself and 1. Examples of the first few primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. Consider writing a program which can generate prime numbers for you. Your program should read in and set a maximum prime to generate and a minimum number to start with when looking for primes. This program should be able to perform the following tasks: 1. Read the maximum number from user (keyboard input) to look for primes. The program should not return any primes greater than this number. 2. Read the minimum number from user (keyboard input) to look for primes. The program should not return any primes less than this number. 3. Generate and print out every prime number between the maximum prime and minimum number specified by the user.


Write a program that will count the number of digits in an input integer up to value MAX_VALUE (2147483647). Thus, for an input of 5837 the output should be 4 digits Make sure that your program works for the numbers 0, 1, and 10. For the number 0, the output should be 1 digit

2 5109

Design a program to input a date from user in the form day/month/year (e.g. 2/6/2000) and report whether it’s a valid date or not. The program should take account of leap years. You will need to know that a leap year is a year that is exactly divisible by 4, except that century years are only leap years if they are divisible by 400.

1 2761

Write a program which is required to process the time of a clock in hours and minutes, entered from the keyboard. With this program, there are two requirements for any data entered by a user: 1. The data must be of the correct type (in this case, two ints). 2. The data must be in the correct range: this means that, for the minutes, negative numbers and any number above 59 must be rejected; for the hours, negative numbers and any number above 23 must be rejected. Output error message for invalid data input. Output the time one and a half hour after the time input. i.e. Hour: 22 Min: 32 One and a half hour after 22:32 is 00:02


A company pays its salespeople on a commission basis. The salespeople receive $200 per week plus 9 percent of their gross sales for that week. For example, a saleperson who sells $5000 worth of merchandise in a week receives $200 plus 9 percent of $5000, or a total of $650. You have been supplied with a list of items sold by each salesperson. The values of these items are as follows: Item Value A 239.99 B 129.75 C 99.95 D 350.89 Write a program that inputs one salesperson's items sold in a week (how many of item A? of item B? etc.) and calculates and displays that salesperson's earnings for that week.


Hi viewers, My questions is, how can we make cleared item as open item in the Accounts Receivable. & How the checks are useful in the accounts receivable.

2 4635

How to do SAP R/3 Security configuration, design, development, testing, implementation and production support.



How to Maintenance of User Master Records, Profiles, Authorizations


1 3245

How to do Role Design, Testing and Implementation



what Troubleshooting we get these transactions like SU53, ST01, SUIM and ST22


2 17134

What is the User Administration and Role Assignment in CUA.


2 5383

how we Custom Authorization Objects and Custom Transaction maintenance and how we do User classification, Running systems measurement reports during license auditing through USMM and SLAW



how we Completely designed and implemented methodology for controlling end user access to plants, cost centers, etc. and how we Applied to both R/3 and BW environments.



Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is deferred tax liability and what is the purpose?


What are all the types of hierarchies?


any one answer me how they can analyzing the project using data ware housing?


How do you masked sensible data in a field?


What is hibernate configuration file?


What are the three sections of a vuser script and what is the purpose of each one?


what are future methods and where are they used ?


What type of databases you can access through ADO Data Access Object?


Ow binding works in mxml components in flex? : adobe flex action script


Can we insert delete data in view?


Define heap order property?


how do you add a developer to a trusted publishers list?


What are namespaces? How to use in drupal 8?


Is pl sql still used?


Define a single-user system.