Software Interview Questions
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Can any one give information on "Content Disposition" in TEST COMPLETE automation tool? mail me to call me to 09849423932


build 1 bug is raised and it was closed by developer and build 2 is released in build 2 also same bug raised what is the satus of that bug. 1>reopen 2>open 3>new 4>defered


14 18728

What should I do if the name of the field is change in new version?How should I maintain it in Test Case Document? Eg: 1)On Login Window:if Login button changed to Ok button 2)the Name of the Login Window get changed 3)Suppose New button adds to Login Window 4)Suppose For Login button there is Alt+L is used in new version Please tell me as early as possible Thanks in advance!!!

1 3182

What is difference between QTP 9.2 and QTP 8.0 ?


1 4380

how to deplaoy a project in the system?

1 3053

what are the files we need to deploay a project in the system?

2 3288

What is the difference between running total and sub-total?

5 20727

How can we performance tune reports?

1 9396

How do you customize ActionServlet?

Ness Technologies,

3 10348

What is the difference between Pay Grade and Pay Scale?

CBS, College School Exams Tests, Teaching,

12 67181

int *p=20; if u print like dis printf("%d",p); o\p:- 20; how is it possible? plz give me the explanation.

Global Edge,

15 22224

How can i get QTP 9.2 software or any webside where i can download ? can anyone help me out , i want to be expert in QTP ,but i don't have the software

3 10269

Could you please let me know the interfaces in OM / FA??



What are the Different Data Providers support in Web Intelligence and DeskTop Intelligence?

Perot Systems,

3 9003

what is data cubes??

2 4705

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

Excel sheet having some datas and some datas present in the application (in table). How will you compare these two datas? Write code to fetch datas from Excel sheet.


What is a stream?


What is a slugs purpose?


What is mnist dataset in tensorflow?


What is official name of silverlight?


What is the difference between sealed class and dyna? : adobe flex action script


What is java developer skills?


What is a style in html?


How do I pipe the output of isql to a file in sybase?


How do you merge rows in word?


What is wordpress discussion setting?


Is jdk required on each machine to run a java program?


Explain the difference between a list and the tuple?


Explain converting an object?


How do I delete an operating system?