Software Interview Questions
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What is a Wireframe?

1 27

Explain the concept of “affordance” in UI design and provide an example.

1 28

How do you conduct usability testing, and what steps do you take to analyze the results?

1 27

What is the role of psychology in UX design?

1 22

Elaborate on micro-interactions in UI design and illustrate their impact on user experience through examples.

1 28

What are some of your favourite designs in apps and websites?

1 30

What is the difference between micro-interactions and animations?

1 30

Explain the concept of information architecture and its role in UX design.

1 33

What are the types of literals in Python?

1 6

What are Python modules? Name a few Python built-in modules that are often used.

1 7

What is the Lambda function?

1 7

Why Lambda is used in Python?

1 7

Differentiate between range and xrange.

1 7

In Python, how do you remark numerous lines?

1 7

Why isn't all the memory de-allocated when Python exits?

1 6

Un-Answered Questions { Software }

What is syntax like in go programming language?


How rejected rows are managed in datastage?


Is int an object in c#?


Can you define an erp system?


What are the classes in Server Object Model in sharepoint 2013?


Explain we use pswb card in which case?


Define a pointer to a data member of the type pointer to pointer?


How to share a view across multiple controllers in MVC?


What is the main utility of classes in standard Ax?


what are divisions main frems


What is batch in machine learning?


When we configure Electronic bank statement first time. Do we need help of ABAP team at the time of configuring the same?


What are the access modifiers in java?


Which class allows an element to be accessed using unique key?


What is statement and preparedstatement in java?