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1476Post New Aspea Interview Questions
What is the significance of boot?
can 2 tier architecture can be change as a 3 tier architecture
How to combine two excel files with the same fields but different data (different years)?
Difference between flex and flash?
What do you mean by event emmitter?
Differentiate between tf.variable and tf.placeholder.
When should I use a singleton?
What is the difference between sap bw 3.5 and 7.0?
How to create a link between multiple maps in a mapset? How to make use of Transid in this case?
Difference between adhoc testing and error guessing?
What is the difference between list and array in c#?
What is Powershell?Comparision between Stsadm and Powershelll?Which one is better?
difference between ejb,struts,hibernate,spring and jsp
Give some examples for defect management tools?
Is mongodb for big data?