Which of the following countries does not have its borders with India? (1) Iran (2) Afghanistan (3) Myanmar (4) Sri Lanka
2 5414Post New HHH Interview Questions
Describe the control mechanism of missile launcher???
How to fetch 5 bestsellers products programmatically in magento?
hello frens. Im Arun from the uk. im planning to apply for tester jobs with 3yrs experience. the problem is i dont have resumes. i have to mention atleast 3 projects (preferably financial projects) in my CV. im totally blank. can u plz send ur CV's to my email.... arunmoses1982@yahoo.com. this would be a great help from you guyz. n u need any help from me? just mail me n ill get in touch with u. Thanx.
How many types of salesforce licenses are there? What are the limits?
Which JVM parameter is used to control the stack size of a thread?
How to capture the script of the authentication window in jmeter?
What are the Stages in rpa life cycle?
How do I install pip on windows?
How do I achieve fifo behavior with kafka?
What is bprelease file?
purchase price of property purchased within last 3 years is to be relied upon not and not on revalued amount for the purpose of loan against properties.
Does java have linq?
Can enum be null c#?
what are doucement required under registration of properity firm. give the answer breif
What is a 1 to 1 relationship database?