write a function that reverse the elements of an array in place.The function must accept only one pointer value and return void.
4113Post New SRCASW Interview Questions
Explain server-side scripting?
How many ways we can make a field is required?
How can you create a virtual copy constructor?
What are the difference between array_keys() and array_key_exists() in php?
how many meeting in realtime environment? what are they?plz explain?
which potential factor does google use to calculate a search campaigns recommended daily budget?
What is a feedback in control system?
What are universe parameters? : bo designer
How do we extend yii?
Why does a tea kettle sing?
What is the difference between c and python?
Mention any three good or bad qualities that your friends would tell us about you. How accurate do you think they are in their observations? (If Yes or No, please explain why.)
What are the differences between ods and info cube?
What do you mean by coinbase transaction?
What is the difference between cassandra's schema and rdbms schema?