The hierarchy of the execution of logical operators is (a) NOT AND OR (b) AND OR NOT (c) OR AND NOT (d) OR NOT AND
10 31029In the first round, there are 30 aptitude and 30 java questions. We are suppose to finish both the papers within 60 minutes. I cleared this round. Next was test for programming skills. In this section, Some 7 n's were asked. 1. What is the difference b/w sleep(1000) and wait(1000) 2. what is the diff b/w static block and static function? 3. Write a program to validate IP address using string tokenizer. 4. Write a program to create singleton class 5. write a function to reverse the string 6. Write a prog to print prime nos upto n. EX: If n=9, It shld print 1,2,3,5,7 7. One program on collections- Write a program to print no. of times a number is repeating in an array. EX- {1,3,1,2,5,7,3,7,34,3,8,3} It should print: 1- 2 times 3- 4 times and so on 7. Write a func to print fibonocci series After this I had technical interview, which went on for. 60 mins or so. There were qn's about multi threading, Exception handling and collection classes. Knowledge about collections was very important for the post I was interviewed for.
1 11533whats the size of class EXP on 32 bit processor? class EXP { char c1; char c2; int i1; int i2; char *ptr; static int mem; };
5 9663Post New Huawei Interview Questions
What is the latest version of magento?
What happens if iapplication object does not handle an event?
while doing work in dolphin software when credit note is given by supplier to purchaser then purchaser is debited supplier account so on credit side which account is coming which account should be credited
How big of a ssd do I need for windows 10?
Tell me what is the max. Or min . Value of tv in msa to calculate r&r?
What are phases of manager self-service ?
How to improve the cache performance? : Dot net architecture
State the advantages of segmented paging over pure segmentation?
Hello,I would like to know the Technical Test Queries for B.P.O.So please reply to my queries at your earliest possibility.
What is a java executable jar file?
What is architecture and what is design?
Juxtapose the HTTP verbs GET and POST. What is HEAD?
If a variable contains letters or special characters, can it be numeric data type?
What is the use of request dispatcher interface?
A description of the fundamental elements that are required to make a digibox. I assume that they all record nowadays?