Hi, I'm from IT Sector, I was working as an Oracle Data Entry, but right now I want to shift my career from IT to BPO Sector. In Interview if the HR asked the reasons for the change from the IT to Bpo Sector, what would be the appropriate answers for this question. Can any one help me out to sort out this solution. Before that , I want to mention that I want to change the sector because i found much facilities i can enjoy if i join BPO sector what i'm not getting at all in IT. So, how should I present myself infront of a HR, pls. help me out, as i have no prior exp. in facing interview in BPO Industries. Thanks in advance.
1 5389Hi, Can somebody help me to know whether WCT MVAt is applicable on catering service, if the caterer is uses his own material and labour for doing cooking in our premises and later the product is sold in the same premises for the employees. Kinldy advice whether WCT will be deducted on this.
2042Post New Hinduja Interview Questions
Does linkedhashset allow duplicates?
What is priori estimate?
what is outgoing mail server (smtp)?
In order to compare two different gas samples, scientists use what is called the stp. What does stp stand for?
We did promotion activity for X co that co is our client ( S Dr) which we sold tickets through our vendor through out north india ... But those vendors adjusted cash with thir bill and remaining balance we received ,, Ticket amount we paid from our co Bank A/c to our client (S Dr) .the amount is too huge so how can i sort out this in books of acconts ..............
Explain about windows phone bluetooth?
What are the activities that you perform while moving VOBs between two different operating systems?
What is a Presistent Object?
'Translate error, value out of bounds' error what does these errors mean?
you buy a $100 asset. $25 cash, $50 debt, and $25 new equity. Explain how the 3 financial statements (IS, BS, CFS) will change.
List some of the rules that apply to creating and using a ‘view’
What is before string in c#?
What is servlet invoker?
What is the full meaning of dml?
What are access specifiers available in java?