1) How can you use slowly changing dimension type 2 in Universe, Reporting and what would be the build process. 2) How can you identify the users in webintelligence not using the reports past few months. And delete them. 3) How can you move documents from one environment to other environment
3 10398Tow tables is there employee, projects . (many to many) one employee has different projects and one project has different employees . how we can achive the data from both
2 5875Post New Hexaware Business Objects Interview Questions
Explain what does an anther have on it?
How to calculate motor bearing life - cycle (life time) (SKF bearing) how determine the capacity of refrigeration system? how we use condenser coils, compressor, capillarity,compressor how determine the capacity of refrigeration system? how we use condenser coils, compressor, capillarity,compressor what is rigging
why is the in steam turbine axial displacement of active side thrust pad is positive and non active side thrust pad is negative.
What is Your approach while testing mobile applications? Is it diffrent for ios and android?
Why is message passing between the objects important?
What is a http session?
Explain the difference between the neo4j graph database and mysql database?
What is the use of xslt
Explain the working of a multiplexer.
Explain the inheritance in python with an example?
How will you handle the situation in scripting where for your mailbox you have to select any one mail randomly to read?
last Airforce test paper
What do you mean by hooks in cakephp ?
What is the difference between machine learning vs data mining?
Would you initialize strings with single quotes or double quotes?