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Hexaware Interview Questions
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How do you find the length of a string without using string length command in TCL??

6 24242

16 grams of radioactive material decays into 8 grams in 10 years. How long will it take to decay to 1 gram?

11 25390

how to encrypt a connection string in web.config file?

3 9587

Tow tables is there employee, projects . (many to many) one employee has different projects and one project has different employees . how we can achive the data from both

2 5690

How we can resolve the loops by using the Aggrigate Awareness?

1 2753

for eaxmple we are creating Z-Tcode How to restrict and what level are restict.

1 8912

hOW many users limit in su10

3 24883

As a test Engineer what are all the challenges you faced in your project? It takes more time to answer this question but i said wrong... Could anybody answer atleast 4 or 5 answers

2 9816

how to through logic of informatica using the push down optimization into oracle.

2 6930


1 15267

If u r giving different parameter file names in workflow and session for a single mapping parameter, then which one will be executed? The one u given in workflow or the one u given in the session?

1 5862

how to identifie,is it innerjoin,leftouter join in lookup?

2 35006

What is the major differance between Multi-Org setup in 11i and R12 instance

3 10165

1)What is configuration your file structure 2)I have two databases both are Oracle while loading data from source to target the job takes 30 min but I want to load less time how?

1 5953

how to change col colors in alv reporting?

2 7852

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Hexaware Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is site search button?


What are messages in java?


can anyone provide link to download cognos 7.2 version for download along wiht installation and configuration steps tx in advance


How do I copy a formula down an entire column?


Should a function always return a value python?


What android means?


What is InputFormat in Hadoop MapReduce?


What is idoc? Explain its structure.


What is meant by bootstrap in mvc5?


What is Workflow ? default work flows in sharepoint server ?


Is index automatically created on primary key?


By monitoring ad campaign performance, why an advertiser may obtain the information needed?


What are the main differences between classic ado and


what are the problems you faced in MRP?


What is the difference between structural directive and attribute directive in angular 7?