In CSS when you will use CSS float?
Describe the web server logs?
How do you check if the object is attached to the application?
Does java have a compiler?
How do you reprocess error inbound idocs ?
Hi to all abap gurus iam new to abap and my querry is as follows . and i feel so happy if u give exact anwers ? Querry1: i have one page( named "page1" )in my script with three windows(logo,adress,main windows) my requirement is to display some dynamic data in the script that is list of orders of the customer whn u give the customer number in selction-screen .then we can go for main window only to dispaly dynamic data ? or is there any other option ? then what should we give as apage number in the next page attribute in the header information. suppose if i dont give "page1" in the next page attribute as anext page what will happen ? i mean that dynamic data will be displayed or not ? Querry2: one one more querry incase if we have two pages in my layout .in page1 (3 windows as said above ) and page2 ( only logo and address window ) and no main window in page2. now if we give "page2" as next page in the next page attribute of page1 then that dynamic data will be displayed or not ?
Explain how often were you absent from work in your last job? Have you every had any serious illness or injuries? Do you have any health problems? : insurance sales
How to create tables for odbc connection testing?
What is the use of set nocount on/off statement?
explain the purpose of optimizer directives and how/why you would use them
How to Create a PolyPolygon using a point array?
What is data in dbms?
What are the types of control valves available
How do you make a powerpoint presentation attractive?
What are recursive and non recursive systems? give examples?