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TT Interview Questions
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Swaythling cup is associated with : (a) TT (b) Lawn Tennis (c) Polo (d) Hockey

3 12449

Toxin X is released only in mature spores of a single fungus and only when both alleles at a single locus are present. The toxin is never observed when the alleles are together in hyphae or modified hyphae. What division is the fungus found in?


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What is Generic in java? Where can we write Generic ( class or method or objects or etc...)? with simple example? Thanks, Bose. Infosys 2 In which way does a Primitive data type is passed ? Sun- Microsystems 4 what is the use of declaring constructor as private? Sai- Softech 5 what is difference between global methods and local methods? 1 What is meant by class loader and how many types are there? Apple 1 what is meaning of JIT? 4 What is an abstract class? Wipro 5 what is filters and its use? Virtusa 2 why is multiple inheritance not allowed in java? Elementus-Technologies 7 Differences between jdk 1.4 and 1.5 Wipro 4 is JVM platform dependent or independent..? IBM 6 what is main purpose of abstract class? 5 what is difference between colection and collections? Tech-Mahindra 11 What error occurs if a try-catch-finally statement sequence does not have a catch clause? 2 Explain the difference between scrollbar and scrollpane? 1 Explain the differences between public, private, protected and static? 4 Explain the difference between getAppletInfo and getParameterInfo? 1 Is Cegonsoft Pvt.Ltd. a good Institute? 4 Why only one Class is public in one file? Explain in details. Thanks in Advance. 11 Which method will get invoked first in a stand alone application?


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