What are the dimensions of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nominal Brick What is the difference between them in terms of use ?
49 224204How we can calculate the consumption in kwh of motor on basis of kw @100% load, @50% load & @ no load.
2430Sir, I am working as a Instrument Engineer in Grasim Industries. Can any body provide question answer for interview purpose
1773Why PT voltages are measured with respect to ground? What do u mean by voltage or current polarized.
2005why we use four type of phase angle difference between pimary & secondry winding of a transformer & where we use them?
1734As per X-ray Fluorescence theory, when material particle is irradiated with X-ray the electron of innermost orbital of that element atom is exited and emits outside of the atom as photoelecrons, living behind a hole in innermost orbital . This hole is filled by outer orbital electrons. The question is that finely what happens to that photo electon which is emitted outside of the atom?
1 3601In testing of Cement the formula for water requirement for setting time is as below- Water required for setting time = NC x 0.85 The question is that what is the logic of 0.85 in this formula??
2121Post New Grasim Interview Questions
Draw bode plot of any transfer function. Why is plotting bode necessary?
Which parameter specified in the default storage clause of create tablespace cannot be altered after creating the table space?
What is node in Cassandra?
what is animal charcoal?
what are the need of satellites in telecommunication. if satellite no means how can we communicate with others?
Is it possible to create new a file system in UNIX?
What are the different sap businessobjects reporting and dashboard tools? : hana bi development
What’s the difference between @component, @controller, @repository & @service annotations in spring?
Can you forward the same port to multiple ips?
How do I move a wordpress site to a new host?
What is Data Independence?
Define what is the work object?
what are the warehouse reserch? and pocess of warehouse research?
Which method is used in proxies?
Explain dfsort utility?