What are the dimensions of 1)Standard Brick 2)Nominal Brick What is the difference between them in terms of use ?
49 224204How we can calculate the consumption in kwh of motor on basis of kw @100% load, @50% load & @ no load.
2430Sir, I am working as a Instrument Engineer in Grasim Industries. Can any body provide question answer for interview purpose
1773Why PT voltages are measured with respect to ground? What do u mean by voltage or current polarized.
2005why we use four type of phase angle difference between pimary & secondry winding of a transformer & where we use them?
1734As per X-ray Fluorescence theory, when material particle is irradiated with X-ray the electron of innermost orbital of that element atom is exited and emits outside of the atom as photoelecrons, living behind a hole in innermost orbital . This hole is filled by outer orbital electrons. The question is that finely what happens to that photo electon which is emitted outside of the atom?
1 3601In testing of Cement the formula for water requirement for setting time is as below- Water required for setting time = NC x 0.85 The question is that what is the logic of 0.85 in this formula??
2121Post New Grasim Interview Questions
Where is cmd system32?
How to handle the null pointer exception in salesforce?
What is the relation between frequency and motor rpm?
Explain in brief the situations when you would be using Integrative growth strategy Intensive growth Diversification growth strategy
How do I create column headings in excel?
What does a cics translator do?
What is the shortcut for save as?
when apply for ragistred in central excise no
What are the android application main components?
while making DO in SAP system allowes passing an entry more than the credit limit set in the system configuration Please help me
Which key is used to execute a command?
What are the disadvantages of having too much freedom?
Explain "beforesend(xhr)" paremeter of jquery ajax method?
How would you avoid the google penalty in digital marketing?
How to refund for a customer who returns goods and wants a refund for $600 in R12 In above scenarios customer does not want Credit Memo or On- Account Credit, he wants refund check . and as we know we do not issue check from AR. How can we issue Check from AP and how offsetting is done for the same in R12