What users does apache run under?
What is the difference between amazon s3 and ec2?
Explain About RRC states
does anybody know about niit technologies ? how is that company ? any body working in that company ? please answer my question.I got selected in NIIT Technologies delhi.
How are you qualified for the position of Assistant Clinical Director?
What is a spawn in call process?
Can we make use of flow logic control key words in abap/4 and vice-versa?
Write the command to get installed Ruby version in your system?
what are indicators?
Can someone help to write testcase for the scenario as early as possible.: 1. Complaint logged since one week 2. complaint info sent to supervisor with high priorit mail 3. 10 users logged into website , performance could not be degraded ( response within 5 seconds) 4. site should be user protected. 5. it should be work with IE 6 IE 7 6. complaint log should be generated more than one week
What namespaces are needed to host a WPF control in Windows form application?
What is a type in swift?
What is 'mobile banking'?
when MSQL8.0 is in market
Can you explain pdq priority?