In a class 80% have passed english,70% passed Hindi 10% didnot passed either. If 144 students passed both. What is the total strength of the class.
10 35141Find the smallest number such that if its rightmost digit is placed at its left end, the new number so formed is precisely 50% larger than the original number.
9 18998If you look at a clock and the time is 3:15. What is the angle between the hour and the minute hands? ( The answer to this is not zero!)
4 16564Post New Google Interview Questions
What is the most appropriate function to wrap the page content?
Tell us about the working of a 6-stroke engine.
What’s the best way to decide what ad wins in a test? (What’s the best metric to use?)
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What are pseudo-random generators?
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Is there any good company in email marketing domain in India . If yes. Please suggest .
What are the 5 main product offered by tableau company?
What is the difference between exit() and _exit() function in c?
How can a user find "commit work" statement in the pm orders (t-code iw32)?
Write UI Test case, Integration Test case, Functional Test case & Performance Test case for the File Menu for MS-Word?
What are objectives of internal audit?
Describe a project where you implemented eco-friendly initiatives or technologies to improve the sustainability of production operations.