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Google Interview Questions
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Hey! guys i wrote my gre twice, once i got 950 with awa 3 and other time 1050 with awa 3.5, wat do i answer if am posed a question as why 2 attempts ? and why low scores in both the attempts? i got i20 from 3 universities...


Can anyone tell me what is meant by "Mainframes Testing"? Also, Plz let me know what r all d responsibilities of a Manual Tester in Mainframes Testing? Plzzz reply!!

14 70168

what is the abrivation of GE- 9FA and 9E gas turbines

13 53363

what is data Abstraction? and give example

147 264815

write a program in c++ to implement stack using functions in header file stack.h

3 21595

Write the following function in C. stripos — Find position of first occurrence of a case- insensitive string int stripos ( char* haystack, char* needle, int offset ) Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string. Note that the needle may be a string of one or more characters. If needle is not found, stripos() will return - 1. The function should not make use of any C library function calls.

3 15627

which book is the best for preparing for SCWCD 1.5

4 11175

what are the different types of questions in testing from related to projects, plz help me in quickly


why was automation used in the project?

1 5590

what type of automation is follwed in the project?


what type of test cases tou will automate?

4 7488

can any one answer this query,thank you in advance Table 1 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, T shirtsize(values can be 1,2,3) Table 2 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, Region Write SQL to Find the region which has the largest number of people with Tshirt size=3

15 13344

If 4 digits number is input through the keyboard, Write a program to calculate sum of its 1st & 4th digit.

12 41622

What is a Use Case?

5 8201

Can we access private data outside of the class directly in java programming language? Why There is no runtime checking in java, which leads to access the private data directly outside of a class?

5 9410

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Describe about Proteus Mirabilis rRNA?


How to verify httpd.conf file to ensure no configuration syntax error?


How to Creat a flashing icon ?


What is python unit test?


How do I get my excel spreadsheet back to normal?


What is difference between atomic and nonatomic in ios?


Please give the model or previous year question paper for the lecture post in government Engineering College (Electronics and Communication)


What is the copy command in command prompt?


In TNC switch, is there any 1NO+1NC block ? and if we move over closing position, is ther any affect on trip position or vice versa?


What is an ng model?


Give some features of interface?


Why is R important for data science?


How do I create a keyboard shortcut for text?


The postoder traversal is 7,14,3,55,22,5,17 Then ur Inorder traversal is??? please help me on this


Explain real image?