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GE Interview Questions
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What is the Difference between Real Accont and Nominal Account?

16 59285

please send me a HSBC basic accounting question & answers to my mail id.

8 10208

2.6.3 User Interface Different Polls could be present at different channels, pages within channels, and at home page. User interface for Poll will be as described below: - Beneath poll current result(running status) to be shown in graphical form(say progressing bar chart) all the time, in same window as poll. - Link ""All Polls >>"" to take user to Polls home page which will have all the active polls with results underneath. - All the polls not older than one month will come under Active polls category. - User can take Active open polls, but cannot react to Active closed polls. Can only view results of active closed polls. - No Interactives available for polls - "Add a comment", "Rate" - Registered User can take a poll only once, after that only result is shown to user. To unregistered user it will be open. 2.6.4 Interfacing/Sourcing Details - Polls is going to be a separate module, an internal application, which editor/admin can publish. - Admin/Editor should be able to publish polls on separate channels, pages. Assign closure dates. - Admin/Editor can upload images, change look n feel, add a brand, link/url to it. - System to capture user details(screen name/name, id, email id), do loyalilty points calculation and add to user loyality points. 2.6.5 Rules and Conditions Unless assigned a closure date, by default all Polls will be open for 30 days. this is the SRS how to write the test cases for the above functionalities help me

1 4016

In a class, there is a reference or pointer of an object of another class embedded, and the memory is either allocated or assigned to the new object created for this class. In the constructor, parameters are passed to initialize the data members and the embedded object reference to get inialized. What measures or design change should be advised for proper destruction and avioding memory leaks, getting pointers dangling for the embedded object memory allocation? Please suggest.

5 6869

what is genpact? Tell us about genpact? what is GE? Tell us about GE? Describe your ideal company,location and job? why we should hire you? why do you want to join our company(GE)? What is capital bugeting? Explain the methods of capital bugeting in detail?

20 200484

what is post-mortem testing?

1 19648

Difference between String and StringBuffer.

3 7416

What is stored procedure. How do you create stored procedure ?


Can I write COMMIT and ROLLBACK in user-exit?

4 24057

why humming sound occured in HT transmission lines.

9 28780


26 23673

what is the meaning of preliminary expenses and how you shown in balance sheet

50 232650

what are the parts of Informatica server ?

1 5431

1. What is the main differences between GE Mark IV and Mark V Turbine Control System? 2. what is the main differences between GE Mark V and Mark VI?

2 13724

Why should we hire you?

28 59508

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How will you rename and delete a file in Ruby?


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Mention when to use autoit?


On what structural level of the enzyme (primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary) does the enzyme-substrate interaction depend?


What inbuilt themes are provided by struts2?


Declare on change?


What is WMLScript dialogs library?


What is difference in between operating system 2000 and os xp?


What are the functions of a network administrator?


What is repository annotation in spring?


What is the use of data grid?


c program which behaves like a shell(command interpreter). it has its own prompt say "NewShell$".any normal shell command is executed from your shell by starting a child process to execute a system program corrosponding to the command


What is arrow function , write its syntax?


how to calculate regulation constants for over head lines? and what are the regulation constant for raccoon conductor at different voltage level and different P.F?