As per your process, Lets say someone asked you access for SAP_ALL and you got approval from the business head to assign but you did not get approval from the Security head. In this case, what will you do?
1 5667Post New Spine Infoway Interview Questions
How can you send large messages with kafka (over 15mb)?
How do I find my wordpress version?
when you create a company in Tally ERP 9, what information does directory stores?
What is the way of dealing with “exploding gradient” problem in rnns?answer: gradient clipping, the gradient is set to the threshold. Gradient clipping will chop the gradients or restricts them to a threshold value to prevent the gradients from getting too large.
Is null vs coalesce?
When using replication, can some members use journaling and others not?
Can you call the base class method without creating an instance?
I have a CT meter with ratio 60/5. The meter reading of previous month was 3290.49 and that of current month was 3797.26. How many chargeable units as per normal meter should be my reading.
Is ms access a rdbms?
What is the difference between vb 6 and
How can you drive digital traffic to our site immediately?
What is difference between wordpress and html?
Categorize the mainframe manual testing?
explain the elements of project formulation.
what do you do when priorities change quickly?