What is use of attribute hierarchy optimized state? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What is setattribute in servlet?
Explain ceci transaction commands?
Which is the smallest marsupial?
If the interface in c# only contains the declaration of the methods and we need to define those methods in the class, then why we use the interface?
22. Display the order number, number of lines in the order, total number of items and total value for all orders that have a total value greater than $100
How to prevent events from being indexed by splunk?
What is the use of worm gears?
Explain avrostorage function?
What files does sfc check?
How do you manage client-buying frequencies?
Explain the difference between mahout & mllib?
Explain the different types of pathnames that are used in unix.
Tell us how you can use recovery scenario with selenium?
Which movement types refer to inspection origin 05?