while working with local tx without start tx,commit tx,rollback tx servies can we continue the local tx.
1641Some one is given me xsd file am not having any flowservice how to create wsdl?how to consume wsdl and generate services?
1894Insertnotification, basic notification difference between them? why we need to create trigger sequence,buffer table manually in basic notification
2038Post New Fiserv Middleware AllOther Interview Questions
How did you do unit testing in your project?
If I use the JDBC API, do I have to use ODBC underneath?
I am using log-returns in a study, and I use CAPM to predict the expected return. When calculating the expected return from CAPM, how do I approach with log-numbers? Do I use log-numbers for interest rate, market return and beta, or only the first two?
How to create any functions? How to go about it?
Which language Talend is written?
Can we write customized java code in Talend?
What are python dictionaries?
What is a Cookie? Where is it used in ASP.NET?
5. What are the tests you are conducting through winrunner?
Informatica settings are available in which file?
What does a 'MapReduce Partitioner' do?
What are the uses of __filename and __dirname variables in node.js?
Name the two types of relational data which you can store in SAP HANA?
Mention the steps to create an action in blue prism and publish it.
Do you know how to reverse string in java?