When to use get and post request?
What do you mean by xhtml?
Interactive Report that list purchase order details of a vendor. When the user double clicks on material number it shows detail list with fields matkl, meins, brgew, ntgew, gewei.The selection screen consist of sales organisation, distribution channel and material number. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul
What is the difference between a free-standing and a hosted environment?
how do you create an artistic border?
Why doesnt the call scanf work?
How many types of users role in wordpress?
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How does an hadoop application look like or their basic components?
What is a decorator in programming?
why current flow to the opposite direction of flow of electrons???????????
What is keyword frequency?
What happens when a goods receipt is posted?
What is mongodb replica set?
What is a ulimit in unix?