I have a slab of 20cm thickness of 20m by 4m in wich we are installing 15 tons electric panels , and we have put 4 H-shaped columns under the slab but we have done many cores in the slab which seems very normal , can you help me by telling me how to calculate the bearing capacity of the slab or give me an idea if i should increase more columns Note: load distribution area 12*1.5 m2
1981Post New First American Corporation Interview Questions
Have you ever had a problem with your peer? Tell us how you handled it.
How many joomla tables are related with users?
Explain how can you do the explain of a dynamic sql statement?
Name the method, which is used to prepare a callablestatement.
How do you maintain database integrity where deletions from one table will automatically cause deletions in another table?
How do I turn on windows defender antivirus?
What is a good method of minimizing shell side pressure drop in a shell and tube exchanger?
Why is buprenorphine less addictive than other opioids?
Give examples of 'direct tax'?
Difference between Early bound and late bound?
write program which accept information about 5 student & display same information according to ascending order of their name??
What the different phase/steps of acquiring a proxy object in webservice?
I want to collect email addresses of all registered users. Which table should I refer?
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What is the difference between a program and an application?