Explain azure service level agreement?
Process engines in a fault tolerant group can be configured as peers or master secondary.how do these differ ?
hai this is raghu i'm working in 4wheeler automobile company as a sales consultant ,can anyone tell me how to handle the custamer at first visit & how to close the deal ? plz tell me anyone how to overcome this problems ? my mail id is " raghu.thinksnew@gmail.com" send any suggestions to this mail id
How do you reveal formatting?
What is the shortcut to delete a row in excel?
Explain why temp records are needed?
What is private static class in java?
Describe the benefits of drda?
What are the requests that can't be fulfilled by the sandboxed solutions?
What is a class selector?
How you can get the list of largest tables in a database?
Can you explain the key principles of aerodynamics and how they are essential in aircraft design?
Difference between overloading vs. Overriding
Explain different types of locks?
For better search what we can do in drupal 7?