How will you test that there is increased probability of a user to stay active after 6 months given that a user has more friends now?
330What is the probability of pulling a different shape or a different colour card from a deck of 52 cards?
131You can roll a dice three times. You will be given $X where X is the highest roll you get. You can choose to stop rolling at any time (example, if you roll a 6 on the first roll, you can stop). What is your expected pay-out?
159You are at a Casino. You have two dices to play with. You win $10 every time you roll a 5. If you play till you win and then stop, what is the expected pay-out?
183Which technique will you use to compare the performance of two back-end engines that generate automatic friend recommendations on Facebook?
285You have two tables-the first table has data about the users and their friends, the second table has data about the users and the pages they have liked. Write an SQL query to make recommendations using pages that your friends liked. The query result should not recommend the pages that have already been liked by a user.
220How would add new Facebook members to the database of members, and code their relationships to others in the database?
190You are given two tables- friend_request and request_accepted. Friend_request contains requester_id, time and sent_to_id and request_accepted table contains time, acceptor_id and requestor_id. How will you determine the overall acceptance rate of requests?
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Can I get windows defender for windows 7?
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We use library functions in the program, in what form they are provided to the program?
Can we control the sequence in which multiple implementations of a multiple use BADI are called? If yes, how?
Do inline functions improve performance?
Write a program to check string is palindrome without using loop?
Is semaphore still used today?
How is scrap value calculated?
how external lighting design? please give examples?