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Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies RGUKT Interview Questions
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program to find the roots of a quadratic equation

14 62234

Rich man keeps me in the pocket poor man throws me away kids eat me its tamil word _u_e_l who am i?

26 78854

1) write Short notes about Shellow & Deep well? 2) What is the full form of SPT & SMB? write short notes. 3) write short notes about efficiency of Riveted joint.


how will you go for row level locking of a z table

2 12752

Hi I want to know some things about the EPFO Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner Exam. Are only those having desirable qualification selected? How does having or not having the desirable qualification affect the selection? Does desirable qualification matter in shortlisting of candidates after written test or only in interview and how much? I don't have any desirable qualification. What are the chances of mine if I do good in written? What is the usual cut-off for this paper? Is there sectional cut-off also? And, how to prepare for it? Which study material should I read? I have got its 2008 que paper. Where can I get its other previous que papers? Is this test conducted every year? Thanks, Onkar Goyal

1 6995

Post New Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies RGUKT Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the difference between qlikview and tableau?


What is the use of type command in dos?


Give some best books to artificial intelligence?


What is @html in mvc?


Which are the two types of 'writes' in HDFS?


What does partial order or planning involve?


What are the features of c#?


How much is the tax & surcharge % against d-1 form. on cement,steel,electrical item,RMC,


Discuss the modern synthetic theory evolution


What are macros?


What is html antiforgerytoken ()?


Which of the following alternatives will be cheaper (1) A 100 h.p AC, 3-phase motor (2) Four motors of 25 h.p each (3) Five motors of 20 h.p each (4) 10 motors of 10 h.p each explain


How do you do a mergesort?


Why spring singleton is not thread safe?


Is disk space the same as storage?