Post New NRL SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
How are the tolerance group for employees used?
How many spaces is a tab?
8)when u create sales report what u can see in that report ? what rthose field names or data element names? 9)when u create purchase order details report what u can see in that report ?what rthose fieldnames or dataelements? 10)when u create material stock report in material master grouped by material type and plant what u can see in report ?what rthose field names or dataelement ? 11)when u create shipping forecast report what u can see in that report ?what rthose data elements or field names?
What does the yield curve look like now?
What kind of lifestyle do you expect to have in banking?
What is meant by the statement that 8085 is a 8 bit microprocessor?
What are the differences between stateless and stateful systems, and impacts of state on parallelism.
Write a logic to find the max sum of a list in another list?
Does windows 10 include outlook?
What is python lint?
For the following COBOL code, draw the Binary tree? 01 STUDENT_REC. 02 NAME. 03 FIRST_NAME PIC X(10). 03 LAST_NAME PIC X(10). 02 YEAR_OF_STUDY. 03 FIRST_SEM PIC XX. 03 SECOND_SEM PIC XX.
What can you contribute to Pizza Express?
What are the different browsers that support html5?
Explain what is blackberry? Please make it clear for a layman?
how to find out the name of the users who are currently working starting with the same characters in unix os