Please explain me what the project manager will ask in the interview.The interview is for senior position in .Net (5 years experience )
2616what are the advantages of Horizontal isolation breakers v/s vertical isolation breakers in medium voltage switchgear class.
1 2386in HVDC transmission system ,monopolar link has one conductor usually a negative polarity and use ground or sea return ?through negative polarity we could pass electricity or not yes means how it is possible
1 11968In power transformer tappings are provided on A high voltage side B low voltage side C In middle of both the windings D both high and low voltage side
2 4706Post New NNN Interview Questions
Why the stepaic()?
What is fulltrust?
what are the differences among rownum, rank and dense_rank? : Sql dba
Name the extension methods Kotlin provides to
when an xctl is done, does the tranid change ? Is a new task created ? Does it cause an implicit syncpoint to be issued ?
What is JTS?
How to filter out duplications in the returning rows in ms sql server?
What is meant by instantiating a class?
What are the basics of spreadsheet?
sir,kindly give brief knowledge about various welding processes like SMAW. GTAW,SAW ,and ASME ,IBR code at my i.d
What is software process?
Which is the smallest dog on the earth?
Why is it preferred to not use finalize for clean up?
What are Actions?
what are the types in error loging?