Please explain me what the project manager will ask in the interview.The interview is for senior position in .Net (5 years experience )
2642what are the advantages of Horizontal isolation breakers v/s vertical isolation breakers in medium voltage switchgear class.
1 2436in HVDC transmission system ,monopolar link has one conductor usually a negative polarity and use ground or sea return ?through negative polarity we could pass electricity or not yes means how it is possible
1 12014In power transformer tappings are provided on A high voltage side B low voltage side C In middle of both the windings D both high and low voltage side
2 4746Post New NNN Interview Questions
What is empty string literal in java?
What is a maven repository?
Some of the google examples you cite don't use xml at all. Do I have to use xml and/or xslt in an ajax application?
What is a windows server 2016?
Explain in brief about vander val interactions in antigen-antibody interaction.
What is example class
Mention what are the categories of defects?
What gets stored inside msdb database?
Are you a good manager? Why do you feel you have top managerial potential
Can you explain difference between apache mahout and apache spark’s mllib?
What is Bucket in Hive?
What is the difference between scripting and programming?
How to create a permanent sas data set?
What is demand planning?
Dear all I need an advice about sqa field last year i have completed my graduation in computer engineering and i have just started my career as Software engineer in QA field and working in a software company. The problem is that I am very confused about my career in this field because I want to know that how much it's necessary that the programming concepts and the programming should be strong if the person is working as a sqa engineer if i talk about myself i can create logic with respect to programming but for me it's very difficult to implement my logic in form of code and is programming field has strong scope over sqa field and as a sqa engineer what will be my prestige in front of programmers. I want to know what appourtinutes i will get in this field after some period of time and what will be the next step(desigination)in that field.Kindly reply Regards