Define master data?
What are the parameters used to create keyspace in cassandra?
What are the use of Sandboxed soultions in SharePoint?
Why quicksort is faster?
What is difference between tree and forest?
Explain how transfer of context from main job to child job?
What are the Types of Useful node functions?
What is ibm aix?
What are the differences in the deep and shallow copy?
What are custom labels in salesforce? How to access custom labels?
Define what is the metallurgy use? Define what is the casting and forging?
What is the Reducer used for?
I have applied for the post of Assistant Instrumentation Engneer in IOCL and need urgently IOCL sample paper please help me.
Can we override a method by using same method name and arguments but different return types?
what is difference between static module & dynamic module in apache?