How many Logical ports are available in OS? eg.23 for Telnet like this what is total number of available ports?
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2363Post New eClinicalWorks Interview Questions
Differences between an application server and a web-server? What is the conman architecture which is used forhigh availability and load balancing describe in few lines.
Explain the onsavedinstancestate() and onrestoreinstancestate() in activity?
What do you mean by stored procedures?
Why silicon and germanium are the two widely used semiconductor materials?
How AngularJS will automatically be initialized?
What is aura:registerevent in lightning component? : salesforce lightning component
In uipath studio, how elements are recognized on screen?
Do you always need to copy the data before reporting on it?(Example, real-time & on-demand reporting is a requirement)?
What is testng and how is it better than junit?
What is a text tag?
How to calculate the quantity of ingredients of M20 grade concrete?
List some common localization or globalization practices for localizing or globalizing wpf?
What is a udf?
give the examples of Error of Duplication?and Error of compensatin? with entries
tell me about an important issue you encountered recently.