Which development object in sap xi forms the “root node” of an xml document when an xi message is generated?
Can you define each of these layers of protocol stack?
What is the secure socket layer?
What are the advantages of using database?
why the field winding in dc motor is not short circuited eventhough dc supply is applied across the winding
What are the final class and final method?
How quickly we need to fix the bug? Or how soon the bug should get fixed?
How do I change the default font in microsoft excel?
what is RAID in Windows Server?
why in uv calibration in Limt of absorbance parameter specific absorbance is calculated only for selected wavelength
why do we use spark detector inside the slip ring brush compartment 0ona slip ring induction motor?
what is difference between view and Dip.
Is hcl an acid or a base?
What does do in c#?
What is copy pending and check pending in db2?