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EA Electronic Arts Testing AllOther Interview Questions
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One diagram is given find out the diagram

1 4036

What is “FRAG” related to Gaming

2 4840

What is “NOOB” related to Gaming

1 4361

Which is not a hand held gaming device from the following? a) PSP b) Game Boy c) Nintendo DS d) Nintendo Di

2 4729

Which of the following is not a platform for Gaming? a) PC b) Console c) Mobile d) PMP


The word “Madden” related to ________ a) Baseball b) Basket ball c) Rugby d) American Football

1 4573

The following figure related to which game

1 3685

The abbreviation of “MMORPG” is

1 3934

Which was the first game introduced Bullet Time Future a) Matrix path of Neo b) Serious Sam c) Max Payne d) War craft

3 8320

Which of the following is not a Game Genre? a) RTS b) STR c) FTS d) RPG

6 13811

words Mortal Combat, Street Fighter, Dead or Alive and Doom have in common?

3 11005

The names Sam Fisher and Gordon Freeman associated with mainly? a) Gaming characters b) Organizations CEO’s c) ______ d) ______

4 8352

Find odd man out related to EA a) Play fish b) Take2 c) Hasbro d) Pogo

8 12286

This is on letter series like if DEFGHI: BCDEFG then NOPQRS:_______

7 8388

Which of the following is least like the others? a) Cube b) Sphere c) Pyramid d) Circle

3 10880

Post New EA Electronic Arts Testing AllOther Interview Questions

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Explain in steps what happens when an interrupt occurs?


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for what voltage will reactive power be largest in 380 kv line : a) 375kv b)380kv c)385kv


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