My Brother got SMS from SBI,CRPD that he is selected for clerical post of its Associate bank i.e state bank of hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh , Last week.But till now he is not received ant e-mail or appiontment letters from SBI or SBH . He cald to many time to CRPD ,MUMBAI . the phone is continously ringing but no body is responding .dear friends please help me what to do.??? Also he is in stress wether he is on main list or waiting list. Please help .....
11 26086Post New Anuj Enterprises Interview Questions
what happens if we press f5 in visual studio to run a silverlight application?
Difference between auto-response rules and workflow rules?
What is pointcut expression?
What are truncate options available in sql server? : sql server database administration
We will import machihery. how we will take input
What is appvshnotify exe?
What is dll a file?
What are the effects of electrical faults?
What is the difference between a datareader and a dataset?
Explain formmethod attribute of html5?
how many groups of data types? : Sql dba
What is cohort size?
What does the indirect function do in excel?
What is validity fault?
Explain disadvantages of density-based clustering in R?