How to add a javaScript function in a datagrid?
What determines the level of risk?
What do you know about Jimmy Johns?
What is a hibernate transaction?
What is a database in computer?
what are the components in electrical control panel (for example: 415V, 3-ph, panel to operate utility and 3-ph DG set).
Why hashmap is faster than hashtable?
Tell me why ship doesnt sink sea?
Describe how to use the linked server?
Write the program through which the records can be updated?
What is an Entity set?
What is overriding in c#?
Given time, cost, client satisfaction and best practices, how will you prioritize them for a project you are working on? Explain why.
i have an external excel datasheet where it only contains 3 rows. after qtp executed the code to import the datasheet, the datatable getrowcount method now gives me a different value, lets say 60,000+ instead of only 3. i did not have any values starting from row 4 of my excel file. why is this happening? this also results to the qtp report to load for a very long time.
How do you access to source system data in bi without extraction?