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Dena Bank Interview Questions
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Which two of the following nationalized banks have been merged as per the recommendation of the Narasimham Committee? (a) New Bank of India and Bank of India (b) Central Bank of India and Corporation Bank (c) Parur Bank of India and Bank of India (d) Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India

6 22410

The first metal to be used by man was (A) Alluminium (B) Copper (C) Silver (D) Iron

27 112949

Bank Clerical Exams Model Questions...

125 495156

what is repo rate?

147 210720

SBI Bank HInts SOlved Question Papers Send Me.

260 235414

what topics have to prepare for socio economic banking awareness in bank of baroda clerk exam (30-11-08)?

16 43066

What will be the syllabus of The Descriptive paper of Forthcoming Oriental Bank of Commerce Clerk Exam? I Have the copy of advertisement but there is no information in it that what will be asked in Descriptive Paper?

9 15665

what is the probable marks to score in banks clerical exam to go through for next round???????please give your feedback who have already got jobs in bank.....please

2 4833

can u plz tell me when result of dena bank clerk exam,held on 8th march,declares?

67 49556

when will the dena bank result come


my interview for clerical post in sbi is on 26 may. please suggest some tips for prepration for interview.

39 31525

hi i have been selected for interview on 29.05.2009 for associate bank of sbi for clerical post. i dont know what they may ask in interview pls anyone guide how should i prepare and whatelse they may ask in interview (Bank applied - state bank of mysore) pls help me - krithika

2 4232

Dear All, I am selected for Dena Bank Interview which is scheduled on 20-05-2009. so i am request to all who have given any govt. clerical interview or face, provide u expirence. Please Please share ur expirence & send the study materials or tips which u received from ur frnz for facing the clarical interview, it's very urjent for me. Please send this on my E-Mail id All clerical interview question, it would be any thing please send ???? Without fail all are requested to mail on the above id. Thanks in advance

1 5951

Hi dear...i too have been selected for the interview of Dena Bank on 23.05.2009..and wanted to know about the all possible questions can be asked in the interview...thsi is my last Plz Plz...Guide me.& helpme....who so ever has faced such interviews earlier...And request to all who are facing interviw on 18.05.09 & 20.05.09 ton post there experinces & questions asked....i would be really oblized...My id is Mail me as soon as possible...


Hi dear...i too have been selected for the interview of Dena Bank on 22.05.2009 at surat (gujarat)..and wanted to know about the all possible questions can be asked in the interview...this is my last Plz Plz...Guide me.& helpme....who so ever has faced such interviews earlier...And request to all who are facing interviw on 18.05.09 to 21.05.09 post their experinces & questions asked....i would be really oblized...My id is Mail me as soon as possible...


Post New Dena Bank Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is balance factor?


How do you select and cut in powerpoint?


When to use doget() and when dopost()?


Explain how you would be an asset to TK Maxx?


Explain how you can avoid un-necessary information from being stored?


What is sqladapter c#?


What are the applications of b-tree?


Tell me what is the function of simple thread poll in embedded system?


How does hlookup work in excel 2016?


What is the meaning of cascading effect?


What are the differences between source qualifier and joiner transformation?


What are the new features provided in HTML5?




Which mode is used to operate the sequential file?


what are the recent recuritment trends addopted by coprates in this global senario?