Where is the resultset of a sqlquery (which is fired by rsobj.open sqlquery,xxxx,xxxx) stored ?
How to change an ISAPI DLL project to a CGI project, or vice-versa?
Is false empty php?
How do we back up a hbase cluster?
Explain the 'sales organization.' How it is assigned to a 'plant'?
where do you see yourself in five years' time?
what are the websphere mq programming apis?
Why truncate is faster than delete?
Can we join 3 tables in sql?
How do I run exe files on windows?
What are the different ways to conditionally display markup, and what is the preferred approach?
Two tables emp(empid,name,deptid,sal) and dept(deptid,deptname) are there.write a query which displays empname,corresponding deptname also display those employee names who donot belong to any dept.
What are info-objects? What do they comprise of?
How are nns related to statistical methods?
Explain what is transformation rules?