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Coffee Day Interview Questions
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1. Discuss the acceptance of Corporate Social Responsibility in business by Indian companies in recent years. Justify your answer by giving present practices. 2. Examine the role of money, as a significant motivator, in the present inflationary conditions. 3. Co-ordination should be an individual responsibility rather than the other insisting the co- ordination. Justify your answer. 4. Under what circumstances Centralisation and Decentralisation of authority is desirable – discuss? Discuss your views with respect to hospitality industry. 1. What is the difference between Traditional Marketing and Modern Marketing? Give some examples of those companies which are doing Business in India more than 50 years and how they changed from traditional marketing to modern marketing. 2. Explain the Sales Promotion in marketing and also how HLL and P&G are doing their promotion of products in India with suitable examples. 3. Take atleast 10 FMCG companies in India and analyse how they are doing ethics in marketing in various segments. 4. What is the meaning of trade mark and patent rights in Govt. of India and how it is helpful in marketing management? Explain with suitable products.

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