How i injecter setting qsk series cummins engine and i can using click type torqurench or dial gauge type
1828After any cause of repaired how i start the engine by slow speed 800 to 900 rpm electronic control moudle engine [cummins]
1821general diesel engine we are using 15w 40 oil unfortunatley our oiller mis used the oil hudralic oil refilled when he doing the service which kind proplem coming in future?
1898Post New Cummins Interview Questions
What is your goal for your talk at fosdem?
What is JIT (just in time)? how it works?
Why do we use sorting?
What is the difference between CREATE TABLE AND CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE?
What are sockets used for?
What is equivalence class?
What are pointer-to-members? Explain.
How do I create a new form in visual studio 2017?
How to get to know the version of ember?
What is the meaning of Copy IDMS Subschema-Binds?
How to find out number of parameters passed into function?
Explain the register storage classes in c++.
what does mean and stack mean in genral programming?
Draw the equivalent circuit of triac and diac.
What is a value set? List its various types.