In town of 500 people, 285 read Hindu and 212 read Indian express and 127read Times of India 20read Hindu and times of India and 29 read hindu and Indian express and 35 read times of India andIndian express. 50 read no news paper. Then how many read only one paper?
3 8121I am at my paying guest accommodation if I am not in the office. a) I am at my paying guest accommodation. b) I am at my office. c) I am not at paying guest accommodation. d) I am not at my office. A) cb B) ad C) cd D) None of the options
6 8771average of 13 papers is 40.average of first 7 papers is 42 and last seven papers is 35.find the marks obtained in 7th paper?
1 11493A women drop eggs, she says if eggs are divided in 2 remainder is 1, if in 3 reminder is 2 and in 4 remainder is 3. What no.of eggs she have?
3 22579r= 5 n = 3 . If first pole has 2 flags ,third pole has 1 flag how many ways the remaining can be arranged?
847Post New CTS Interview Questions
What are the different role of SAP FICO consultant during the different implementation phases of ASAP Road map. and what are the tool and documents he is using ?
Does hibernate work without primary key?
What's the difference between MODAL and MODELESS forms?
In what condition we cannot use automation testing for agile method ?
What is the difference between save and save?
What are the different types of filaters used in hbase?
What is the difference between External and Internal Table in Hive?
What do you understand by protocol?
How to print only blank line of file?
What are the advantages of using delegates in c#?
What is the task of the pre-processor?
Explain dependency injection and their types.
What are the two codes that are used for code display in bootstrap?
Explain a responsive web design?
What is datapool cursor?