what is preparing AS-IS & TO-BE doucment for PF implementation process. and what is pf in supporting i want to know.
1 4654What is Trading partner? why we use this, usually which will come whenever we configure vendor/customer/posting of any invoice etc.
1903what is individual cutomer payee check box in customer master data under cotrol data tab, why we select this box?
3 73931.How will we give individual payments in app run? 2.Customer details particularly goes to where? how we find? How we specify based on what scenario it will take? 3.App 15 line items open 15k is there how will check print? If 16k is there how will? 4.App al line items are open check will print or not? Pls give answers for this questions.
2 50671.How will we give individual payments in app run? 2.App 15 line items open 15k is there how will check print? If 16k is there how will? 3.App al line items are open check will print or not?
3 6040Post New CTS SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) Interview Questions
I am working at Himachal Pradesh, let me know cant i adjust entry tax in vat? if no then why or yes, please exlain.
Can anyone send me iocl written test paper fro computer engineers
What are the bussiness scenories?
What is the main purpose of triggers in database?
GL posting as per order type :- Hi, We have a requirement "For free of charge order zfd , all these orders should hit one GL irrespective of movement type (it may 901 or 601)"
can you extend and substitute a root am ( application module) in oa framework using jdeveloper?
What are use cases of Apache Flume?
Can we print null in java?
How to set the reading order for paragraphs in a document?
do you have any questions?
What would be the probable interview questionnaires for Hutchison 3 Global Services | Pune, for the international inbound customer service voice?
How to create the source and target database connections in server manager?
What is triggers?
can any one post the written test exam model papers for amar raja baterries in tirupati
What is the function of Redo Log in Oracle?