what are questions asked in TCS for database tester (sqlserver)?ay idea
What do u meant by "SBI" of an object?
What are governor limits in salesforce.com?
Can we send message from one server to another server using jms?
What are the different types of event listener’s?
How long does it take to get a loop recorder put in?
How can the codeigniter be prevented from csrf?
Without the gui map, use the phy desc directly?
What are the benefits of postgresql?
How to find the project(pub,priv,common,client) in between public, Private,common?Any identification?
What are powerpoint views?
how power trnafor from 1 point to another point in bus bar ya transmission line( voltage trnasfer from 1 point to another poin)
Explain the working of current commutated chopper with aid of circuit diagram and necessary wave forms. Derive an expression for its output voltage?
What is a central repository?
How many scopes can an application have?